Monday, January 25, 2016

Journal 1 - Introduction, My Preconceptions and Sense of Place

     Before taking this class, I knew there was a lot of destruction to the environment in which we live in. Nevertheless, I did not care as much as I should. I did not care about saving the trees and plants, the animals, or even the world. All I care about was “as long as I am alive and doing well, nature will be okay for the most part.” I, also, believe I was one of those people who was doing my harm than good and was not batting an eye about the wrong I was doing to Mother Nature. However, I do believe it is time for me to change my way of thinking. 
     As more and more tress were being cropped down and burned to make every day utilities, animals losing their homes, in replace of homes for human beings, and global warning and pollution being at an all-time high and steadily increasing, I knew my “I don’t care about the environment” attitude needed to stop. How can I harm something so beautiful and that is essential for me to live and thrive? Now, it is my time to do right and save the world, even if it takes only me to do “the work of a thousand.”

     From this colloquium class, I plan on learning more about nature and how I can preserve the environment, before it is too late. I hope to become a humanitarian and a, somewhat, “save the trees” activist by the end of this class. I believe my sense of place, my response to the environment, will change and I will be able to stop the destruction to a place I call home. This class will teach me the fundamentals of the world we live in and how I can positively contribute, and influence many others to do the same. I plan to see my broad perception of the world change and have more of an “ecological perception.” I plan to see my own self become a positive aspect to nature. In addition, I want to raise awareness on environmental issues of the world, with Southwest Florida being first. 

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